Trying is Enough

Recently I feel like I’ve lost myself as a writer, and that’s okay. I mean, I guess it’s okay. haha I’m accepting it. Sometimes things we do don’t work out how we think they will. I recently learned that. So, right now I’m relearning who I am as a person and as a writer.

Nothing is perfect and it doesn’t have to be. Mistakes help us learn and drive us forward to help others and ourselves.

But… I’m having the age old struggle of opening a document and staring at it for a while and then going, “hmmm yep there it is”, before closing it again. I’m having the struggle of not knowing what to do with myself. I’m thinking of ways that I can challenge myself to get back into my love of writing again.

And maybe I’ll challenge myself to do one short little moment on here everyday to try and get back to where I was, but I don’t even know if I could manage that much. haha

The point is, I’m trying. And sometimes trying is enough. As long as we try… and not give up… then that’s enough.

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